Customize and Manage your Hiring Workflow with Stages

Does your team have specific steps they'd like to take with candidates in the hiring process? Would you like to build these custom steps, or your hiring workflow, in Trakstar Hire? We've got you covered!

For each opening, you can build your hiring workflow for the candidates to move through. Each set of the hiring workflow will be assigned to a particular user (to be responsible for those candidates).

You have the opportunity to copy stages from an existing opening or set up custom stages while you are creating an opening, but let's talk about how to edit stages once the opening is already created!

How can I edit the hiring process on openings I've already created?

Watch the video here, or read on below!

Click " Openings" on the left bar of your Trakstar Hire screen then click on the name of the opening that you would like to edit the stages for: 

The opening details will display. Choose the tab that says "JOB SETTINGS":

Scroll down to the Hiring Stages section. These are the stages the candidate will progress through during the hiring process.

The first stage in this list will be the one the candidate lands in when they apply to the opening. By default, this is a stage called "Screening. Edit this or any of the stages by clicking the pencil icon. Change the order of the stages by dragging the dotted square to the left of the stage name 

Add a new stage by clicking th "+ Add a new stage" button at either the top or the bottom of the stage list.

When you add a new stage, you can choose between a preconfigured interview stage, a review stage, or a plain stage. We'll go over each type.

There are three types of stages:

Watch this video to learn about each time, or read more below!

Adding an "Interview" Stage

When you add an interview stage you can pick the details for the interview process:

  • The coordinator is the owner of the stage, and the person responsible for the candidate while they are in this stage
  • The Interview Title is what your interviewers will see it noted as in emails and in the app. This doesn't have to be the same as the stage name.
  • You can note what the medium of the interview (Direct call, Dial-in, Skype, Google Hangouts, Face to Face, or Other)
  • Choose the duration of the interview. (Please note: While we provide some presets in the drop-down, you can free-type a duration and we'll convert it for you!)

  • For both the Zoom Meeting and Google Meet Type/Medium, you can add a static link that will be automatically populated into the interview invite.  Click on Set Venue, as seen in the screenshot below.

    Want to learn more about candidate interviews? Click here

Adding a "Review" Stage

When you add a review stage you can pick the details for the review process:

  • The coordinator is the owner of the stage, and the person responsible for the candidate while they are in this stage
  • The Reviewers are the people who will be notified to review the candidate
  • Optionally, you can add a note to give the reviewers context
  • Lastly, choose if you would like the review request to go to the reviewers automatically or manually once a candidate is moved in to this stage
  • Want to learn more about sending candidates for review? Click here !

Adding a "Plain" stage

  • When you are adding a plain new stage or editing an existing stage you have the option to change the name of the stage, and change the stage owner. For the stage owner you can type the name of an existing user, or type in the email address of someone you would like to invite to work in Trakstar Hire with you.

Can I convert pre-existing stages to an Interview stage or a Review stage, and vise versa?

Yes! When you click on the pencil icon beside the stage, you'll find the option to toggle between the types of stages:

When you convert an interview stage to a plain stage the preset interview or review information will be deleted. This can not be recovered.

When you convert a plain stage to an interview or review stage, you will be asked to set up the interview or review details.

Can more than one person be assigned to a stage?

The stages are designed to have one assignee. This helps it be clear who is in charge of the candidates at this time.

You can always create multiple stages and assign them to the respective user (such as Telephone Screening - Jim (and assign to Jim) and Telephone Screening - Mary (and assign to Mary).

Do I have to recreate the stages each time I create a new opening?

No - you can use the "Copy Details From" dropdown to copy the stages (and other details) from an existing opening. Learn more about creating new openings here .

Can I delete a stage?

Yes. Stages can be deleted only if all of the candidates inside of them are in decisioned states (hired, rejected, etc).

You can choose to delete a stage from the edit pencil on the stage setup page.

Are candidates notified when I move them to a new stage?

No - candidates only have access to things that you send them through auto-responses to application submission and through candidate messaging. When you change the stage of the candidate, you can choose to also open candidate messaging to send the candidate a message regarding the change.

Questions? Feel free to reach out at any time!

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