Opening Custom Fields vs Flagged Fields

What’s the difference?

While they may look similar, they operate a bit differently. It’s easiest to separate Opening Custom Fields from Flagged Fields in your mind by thinking of it like this;

  • Opening Custom Fields are used for Job Openings
  • Flagged Fields are used for Candidates

What they share in common is that they are both internal-only, which means that only your team can see these fields, and your candidates cannot see your Opening Custom Fields or your Flagged Fields.

Opening Custom Fields

To set up Opening Custom Fields, you’ll go to Settings > Opening Custom Fields:

Here you can click the +Add New Field button:

Here, you’ll see the fields to fill out for your Custom Field. 

  • Field Name: The title of the field
  • Field Type: Which answer type you want to provide to your team. The options are:

    Text, Paragraph text, Number, Date, Web-link / URL, Single-select list.

  • Make it private: This allows you to make the custom field visible to only Super Admins and Recruitment Managers

In this example below, you can see that the field name is Department, the field type is Single-select list with the options to select, and the private box is checked.