Company Name/Domain Changes - Bulk managing your users

Acquisitions, rebranding, and mergers may mean that you've got a shiny new domain/company name! Follow these steps to get your users updated in bulk.

New Emails

There are two "parts" to this action!

Part 1:

A Super Admin will need to go to Settings > Users and click the

Click the Bulk Manage button towards the top right:

You'll see two sections - focus on the top section here and click the blue Download text. This downloads a list of your existing user information to a CSV file.

On your CSV, you'll see a full list of your users. The batch of users outlined in red in the screenshot below is a list of all your current users. You'll want to leave those untouched.

You can start adding your new users in the spreadsheet underneath the existing ones. Be sure to fill out these four columns;

  • FULL_NAME: User's first and last name.
  • USER_EMAIL: The new email address for this user
  • USER_ROLE: Options are; hiring_team_member, recruiter, recruitment_manager, or super_admin
  • ACTION: You'll want to put "Add" as the action

Note - Don't worry about the "ID" or "TRANSFER_OPENINGS_TO" columns just yet! We'll get to that in a bit.

Once you've updated the CSV sheet, go back to the bulk user page in Hire and click the Import Users button to upload your newly updated CSV sheet.

Once you import it, the system will email you the Users Import Results and tell you if the import was successful or if there were any issues!

Part 2:

Now it's time to transfer all the openings and tasks from your users' old emails to their new emails. First, follow the same process as you did in "part 1" by downloading a list of your current users.

For your old users, you can add Remove under the Action column. This will deactivate them from the system.

If you'd like to transfer all their openings, candidates, and tasks to the new email addresses you have for them, you can add their new email address to the columns titled TRANSFER_OPENINGS_TO, TRANSFER_CANDIDATES_TO, and TRANSFER_OTHER_TASKS_TO.

It'll look something like this:

When you're done, you can click that Import Users button again to simultaneously deactivate the old users in bulk, while reassigning their tasks to their new users.

New Company Name

Note: If you have SSO (Single Sign-On) enabled, the instructions will be later on in this article!

If you wish to change your Company Name (and the namespace that appears in your careers page), a Super Admin can do this in Settings > Company Profile:

Don't forget to scroll down and hit Save at the bottom!

New Company Name with SSO (Single Sign-On)

First, you'll need to disable SSO by going to Settings > SSO and clicking this green switch to disable SSO:

Once SSO is off, you can follow the above instructions to change your company name in Settings > Company Profile.

Then, you'll come back to Settings > SSO. Your ACS (Consumer) URL as well as your Issuer/Audience URI will be different. Your IDP may also give you a new MetaData URL that your team will need to update here as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any tips?

  • Double check all data before uploading it into the Hire system.
  • You can assign users to openings only when adding a new user to the system via this interface.  To add users currently in the system to an opening, scroll down to view the directions for Assign users to openings.
  • When removing - or deactivating - a user, make sure you select another user to transfer ownership of any pending tasks.  If there are pending tasks and no transfer is made, we will not be able to remove the user.

What are the other columns in the CSV?

There will be additional options to change users as well - you can remove (deactivate) a user or update (if you want to change their user level/permissions).  If you will be removing a user, be sure to assign any openings, candidates, or other pending tasks to another user.  If there are any pending tasks, we won't be able to deactivate them.

The full list of fields for adding, editing, or removing users are as follows - all fields marked with an (*) are required:

  1. ID: Will be automatically assigned for new users - no need to edit.
  4. USER_ROLE*: Roles include super_admin, recruiter, hiring_team_member, recruitment_manager, team_member, external_agency, or employee
  5. ACTION*: Add/Remove/Update/No action
  6. TRANSFER_OPENINGS_TO: In case a user is being removed
  7. TRANSFER_CANDIDATES_TO: In case a user is being removed
  8. TRANSFER_OTHER_TASKS_TO: In case a user is being removed

Can I deactivate existing users and transfer them to a user who is being added on the same csv sheet?

No, you must go through "Part 1" and "Part 2" of the process listed in the beginning of the article!

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