Managing Candidate Sources Across your Account

Candidate sources are a powerful data point - knowing where your quality candidates come from allows you to concentrate your hiring efforts on the sites and sources that make the biggest impact.

We've taken the pain out of managing your candidates sources to help you be in control of this data!

Note: system-created (automatic) sources can not be edited or deleted.  These are listed under the Others section.

Why would I need to manage my sources?

Where is the manage sources page? 

You can manage sources by clicking on "Settings" on the lower left-hand bar of your Trakstar Hire screen, and picking "Sources":

What is on this page?

Once on this page, you'll see all of the sources across your account.  These are broken down in to various categories:

  • Job Boards
  • Recruiting Agency
  • Custom
  • Others: Cannot be edited or deleted.

Who has access to this page?

The Manage Sources page is only accessible to your account Super Admins.  All other users can add new sources when they are uploading a candidate, or editing a candidate's profile.  Only your Super Admins have access to the Manage Sources page to manage the sources further.

How do I edit an existing source? 

To edit an existing source, click on the edit pencil beside this source on the Settings > Manage Candidate Sources page.   This is handy if you're trying to fix a misspelling! 

Next, click in the line and type in the correct source.  Make sure to click "Rename" and  then save:

How do I combine or merge two sources?

If you'd like to combine candidates from two different sources under one source, click the edit pencil beside the source. 

Next, click in to the line on the popup box, and pick the source you'd like to combine with:

Now click "Save" to save this change, and you'll see a box confirming the combination of these sources.  Click merge these sources to confirm this going forward.

How do I add a new candidate source?

To add a new candidate source, click "+ Add new source" from the upper right hand corner of the Settings > Manage Candidate Sources page:

Here you'll type the source name, and the category the source will live in.  

Once a source is added, it shows as an option when you're adding new candidates:

Or when you're editing the source on existing candidates: 

Note - all users can also add new sources from the candidate's profile directly, under the "Sources" section. 

How can I delete sources?

We highly recommend using deletion only if there are no candidates associated with the source, and the source was entered in error. If you're looking to edit an existing source, or, merge this source with another source, please use the edit pencil instead.  Deleted data can not be recovered in the system.

To delete sources, click on the trash icon beside the source.  This removes the source from your source list, so it can not be picked again.  

If there are any candidates who historically had this source, we show the source and denote it as (deleted) in their profile.  If deleting a source that is associated with candidate's profiles, we highly recommend merging the source with another source, instead of deleting the source.  

Keep in mind that sources are often used in association with Trackable Links - if you're sharing a trackable link that's associated with a deleted source, we'll continue to display this source, even after you've deleted it. Instead, you should merge this source with an existing search, which will update your trackable links, too. 

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