How can I set an Out of Office in Trakstar Hire?
Everyone needs a good vacation. With our Out of Office feature, you can alert candidates of your time off as well!
What is it?
The Out of Office enhancement allows you to set up an Out of Office reply to go to your candidates if they write in to you via candidate messaging during your absence.
You can customize this reply to contain any information you would like.
Please note - Fill-Fields such as "Candidate Name" do not work in the out of office response.
How do I set it up?
Click on Settings > Out of Office Responder:
From here, you can check the enable box, and then fill in the details of your Out of Office, including the start date, end date (optional) and message text. Click Save to save the changes.
When the out of office is on, you will see a bar at the top of your Hire screen, reminding you that it is turned on.
If you have set an end date, it will turn off automatically on this end date. You can also click "End Now" to toggle it off immediately.