Can I view a report of the sources of my candidates or applicants?
Trakstar Hire has a wide array of reports for your data needs.
What are "candidate sources"?
The candidate sources derive from where the candidate accesses your application form, such as your hosted site, Indeed, etc. You can also add the source to the candidate(s) profile when you add a single candidate or bulk upload, candidates.
Sources also pull automatically when using the Add Any Job Board feature.
Can I view a report of the sources of my applicants or candidates?
Yes! We have designed the Source Report just for this purpose! Watch this video to get an overview of this report, and then read on to learn more!
Here are the steps to pull this report:
- Click the " Reports " icon on the left bar of your Trakstar Hire screen
This displays the Reporting Dashboard. From here, click on "Candidate Sources" to view this report.
Note - Any users other than Super Admins only have access to the source report, so it will appear without picking a report
The report contains a variety of filters to allow you to drill down to the exact data you're looking for. You can click "Add Filter" to filter the report:
We've also included custom date filters for whatever date range you'd like:
Your hiring practice is unique - you can make the source report just as unique!
You can customize which stage you'd like to see in "Passed Stage" and "Rejected Stage" - to help you know which candidates are getting past a specific step in your process or which candidates are getting rejected at a particular place. This helps you know which sources are bringing you the highest quality candidates.
To view the actual candidate list for a particular source, click on the blue number of candidates. To see the candidate breakdown by stage for a source, click on the quick graph button next to the number:
Clicking on the graph button will display the candidates divided by stage:
For easier viewing, we've collapsed similar sources:
Clicking on the down arrow expands out the items under this source:
Can I download this report as an Excel document?
As always, you can download this report to Excel to store or edit the data further from the top right of the screen:
Some of my sources are wrong; how can I edit them?
Sources can be edited within each candidate's profile.
You can search for candidates from a particular source via the advanced search. Candidate sources are also displayed on the Candidates Report.
What other reports are in Trakstar Hire?
Click here to check out our other reports!
What if I have more questions?
Feel free to reach out at any time!