Meet the Humans Behind Trakstar Hire Support

Hey there! We're excited to work with you and help you level up your hiring.  No, really - it is our favorite part about our job! Read on to learn about the real humans behind the Trakstar Hire team!  Our team covers many time zones and many products.

Got a question for us, or do you just want to say hi? You can reach us at

Jen - Manager of Support

Jen manages the Support team from Flint, MI - with the help of her Golden Retriever, Finn. She loves to develop teams in the support world, and is passionate about leading with empathy and inclusivity. She has a fraternal twin sister (who looks nothing like her!) and was a touring musician for many years. When she's not working, Jen likes to be outside or binge watch her favorite tv shows. Some say that Jen is an actual golden retriever herself.


Al answers your tickets from Saint Petersburg, Florida.  Al is our resident Learn expert, but you'll see him answering questions, problem-solving, and offering best practices for our whole platform. His favorite Learn feature is the course arranger - because it allows you to get your content just right.  Al served in the US Air Force and has a younger brother who served in the US Navy.


You'll find Nate working in the Learn and Hire queues and answering your tickets from Portland, OR.  Yes, that is a goat in his profile picture.  Fun fact: he lived in Antarctica for six months!


Jessica answers your Perform questions from Louisville, KY.  Her favorite Perform feature is 360-Rater feedback so you can get a whole perspective of the employee experience - she did a webinar on it!  She loves adventures with her husband in her Fiat named Pickle Rick.


You'll find Erica answering all of your performance management questions - either from Denver or Leadville, Colorado, depending on the day. She's a huge fan of the mountains and hiking, and she's hiked twenty-six of Colorado's fifty-four peaks above 14,000 feet!


Mariana comes to you from Merìda, Mexico to answer all your Hire questions! When she's not at work, you can find her walking and petting her two dogs (Tuna & Miel), hanging out with family, going to the beach to read or kayak, or watching a good movie.

Grace - Manager of Success

Grace manages the Success team from Liberty, Kentucky.  Feel free to chat with Grace about how to score calculations work in or how to build a stellar review form in Perform.  In her free time, Grace loves paddleboarding, reading, and snuggling with her cats and dog.  Want to make her day?  Send her a photo of your pet!


Michael troubleshoots all your Perform questions from Corpus Christi, TX. He loves to read random books, watch old movies, garden, and cook - and he was raised on a horse farm in Kansas.


Laur answers your questions from Chatanooga, TN, with the help of their cats Olive and Ash.  Some of their favorite things to do include baking bread and other delicious treats, playing Stardew Valley, and drinking coffee.  They love the reports and Insights within the Trakstar platform because it lays everything out in a very visual way!

Chelsea - Director of Customer Success

Chelsea is the Director of Customer Success, and you may see her pop into calls or email queues from time to time!  She's currently located in Huntsville, Alabama.  You can chat with Chelsea about performance reviews, hiring, e-learning, and building relationships while managing remote teams. Chelsea also loves spending time outdoors, reading, drinking coffee, and giant soft pretzels.

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