How can I review candidates?

You've been asked to review a what?!

When a colleague sends you a candidate to review, you'll receive an email notification, like this:

At a glance, you can see who sent you the candidate, along with the candidate's name, the opening they are part of, and what hiring stage they are currently in. Click "View Candidate Profile" to be directed to the candidate's profile, with a button at the top to write your review:

Here you'll be able to write your thoughts, and give an overall thumbs up/down/neutral rating on moving the candidate forward:

Be open and honest! Don't worry, the candidate cannot see this feedback. It is only visible to your colleagues within Trakstar Hire.

Can I edit my review?

Yes! Simply go to the Feedback tab on the candidate's profile, locate your review, and click Edit:

Is there a way to see all of my pending reviews?

Yes! This can be done by going to the candidate's profile from your email notification. At the top of this profile, you can click to see a list of all of the candidates you have pending for review.

If you happen to be logged into your full Trakstar Hire account, you will see pending reviews on your Dashboard under Tasks > Reviews:

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out at any time!

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