Trakstar Hire Insights
Insights offer customers a modern analytics dashboard solution that unlocks key employee lifecycle insights, allowing organizations to tell stories using the workplace metrics that matter most.
Want to learn more? Check out the quick start guide, take the eLearning course, or keep reading below!
Accessing Insights
Admins can access Insights from the navigation bar on the left side of their screen.
Insights Dashboard Overview
Insights Into Insights
What information can Insights help you take a closer look at?
- How are job application volumes trending for our company?
- Can I quickly identify and share our recent and historical hiring trends with others?
- What are our most popular job openings by applicant and hiring volume?
- How long does it take to fill published openings of various types, and how long do candidates take to move through our recruiting process?
- How many applications and interviews are happening to hire a single new employee?
- What are the prevalence and comparative time to hire from various hiring sources?
Filtering Capabilities
Date Range
The Date Range filter (top right) allows the user to choose a range of options to filter the entire dashboard to reflect trends from a specific time frame. Specific Start and End Dates can be specified, and relative frames such as YTD or Last N Months can be specified.
Opening Current Status
The Opening Current Status filter (top right) allows the user to pick from a list of options to filter the entire dashboard to reflect data for records based on the current status of openings. Only statuses used after an opening is published will be shown here.
Opening Publisher
The Opening Publisher filter (top right) allows the user to choose a list of options to filter the entire dashboard to reflect data for records based on the publisher(s) of openings.
Opening Coordinators
The Opening Coordinators filter (right side) allows the user to pick from a list of options to filter the entire dashboard to reflect data for records based on coordinators associated with openings.
The Opening filter (right side) allows the user to pick from a list of options to filter the entire dashboard to reflect data for records based on the name of opening(s).
Filter Actions
Many charts and tables in the Insights Dashboard contain ‘filter action’ features that allow users to make data selections by clicking on visual elements of data graphics. Clicking one-time filters across dashboard elements; clicking a second time resets filters. Filter Actions are called out for specific visuals below.
Pipeline Trends
Applications Received: Sum of Total Applicants
- Number of applications received during a specified period
Interviews Scheduled: Sum of Interviews Scheduled
- Number of interviews scheduled during a specified period
Hires Made: Sum of Hired
- Number of candidates moved to Hired status during a specified period
Visualization Assumptions
- The Pipeline Trends chart is a dual-axis chart that portrays two different scales of numbers for the same periods:
- Applications Received and Interviews Scheduled data are portrayed as bars corresponding to the y-axis on the left side.
- Hires Made data are portrayed as a line corresponding to the y-axis scale on the right side.
Filter Options
- Clicking within a monthly time segment on the chart will enable the capability to ‘drill down’ from monthly to weekly data views or to ‘drill up’ to quarterly or annual data views.
Hiring Funnel & Funnel Ratios
Total Applicants: Sum of Applications Received
- Total Count of Applications Received within stated Date Range and about relevant filters
Screened Applicants: Sum of Screened Applicants
- Total Count of Screened Applicants within stated Date Range and about relevant filters
Interviewed: Sum of Candidates Interviewed
- Total Count of Interviewed within stated Date Range and about relevant filters
Hired: Sum of Candidates Hired
- Total Count of Hires Made within stated Date Range and about relevant filters
Applicants per Hire Ratio: Applications Received/Hires Made
- Number of Applications Received compared to Hires Made within stated Date Range and about relevant filters
Interviews per Hire Ratio: Interviews Scheduled/Hires Made
- Number of Interviews Scheduled compared to Hires Made within stated Date Range and about
Top 10 Openings by Applicant Volume
Applicant Volume: Sum of Applications Received
- Total counts for Applications Received grouped by Opening Name
Hiring Activity Tree Map Visual
Hires Made: Sum of Candidates Hired
- Total Count of Hires Made by Opening Name within stated Date Range and about relevant filters
Interviews per Hire Ratio: Interviews Scheduled/Hires Made
- Number of Interviews Scheduled compared to Hires Made within stated Date Range and about relevant filters
Visualization Assumptions
- The size of each cell in the tree map corresponds to the count of Hires Made by Job Opening
- The color of each cell in the tree map corresponds to the Interviews per Hire ratio, where the darker green and red colors signify openings that requires more interviews to fill
Filter Options
- Click on any cell in the treemap to filter the rest of the dashboard by Opening Name
Avg. Time to Hire (TTH) by Hired Candidate Application Date
As an HR Leader, I need to understand how long candidates need to move through our recruiting processes.
Average Time To Hire: Average of Hire Time in Days
- Mean time to hire a candidate from Application Date to Hired Date measured in days
Median Time To Hire: Median of Hire Time in Days
- Median time to hire a candidate from Application Date to Hired Date measured in days
Filter Actions
- Clicking on the bar within a monthly time segment on the chart will enable the capability to ‘drill down’ from monthly to weekly data views or to ‘drill up’ to quarterly or annual data views
Avg. Time to Fill (TTF) by Opening Publish Date
Average Time To Fill: Average of Total Days Spent in Hiring
- Mean time to fill an opening from Publish Date to Hired Date measured in days
Median Time To Fill: Median of Total Days Spent in Hiring
- Median time to hire a candidate from Publish Date to Hired Date measured in days
Filter Actions
- Clicking on the bar within a monthly time segment on the chart will enable the capability to ‘drill down’ from monthly to weekly data views or to ‘drill up’ to quarterly or annual data views
Hires by Hiring Sources
Hires Made: Sum of Candidates Hired
- Total Count of Hires Made by Hiring Source within stated Date Range and about relevant filters
Visualization Assumption
- The size of each segment in the Hiring Source donut chart corresponds to the number of hires made through each source
Filter Actions
- Clicking on the segment within the donut chart will enable the capability to ‘drill down’ to subsets of each hiring source
Hired Candidate Details
As an HR Leader, I need to be able to summarize hired candidates in a tabular format to view all hired candidates from the period.
While consuming insightful summary information is very important, HR administrators must have employee-level reporting to create lists for various purposes. This summary table can be exported to CSV or Excel.
The table utilizes conditional formatting on the Time to Hire (Days) column to allow the user to pinpoint how quickly candidates moved through the hiring process. The Time to Hire counts the number of days in between when a candidate applied and when they were marked as hired in the system.
- Red: Greater than 90 days
- Yellow: Between 46 to 90 days
- Green: Less than 45 days
Time to Hire (Days): Hire Date - Application Date
- The difference (in days) between when a candidate applied for a position and when they were marked as hired
Visualization Assumptions
- This table is reporting hired candidates based on Hire Date. This means that hired candidates will populate here if the day they were ‘marked as hired’ was within the selected time frame.
- These hired candidates could have applied within or before the selected timeframe at the top of the dashboard, but since they were hired within the selected period, they are shown here.
Interaction Options
- There is no built-in column filtering on specific columns for this visual, but the user can leverage the column sorting to manipulate the view
- All filters at the top of the screen will be applied to this visual
Important Note on Data: Reports vs Insights
- Within Hire reporting - if you delete data from Hire (openings, candidates, etc), these are removed from the reporting
- Within Insights for Hire reporting, we are able to scrub this data of identifying sources (to comply with GDPR) and then still display these items for Insights reports
- This may cause a difference in the two reporting numbers - between in-app and Insights.
When does Insights update?
Insights updates once a day at 8am UTC.
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