How do I add a single candidate to Trakstar Hire?

Do you have a candidate in mind for one of your job openings? You can easily add a single candidate to your account!

Are you looking to add more than one candidate at a time? Check out these bulk upload options.

How do I upload a single candidate?

To get started, click on "Candidates" on the left sidebar of your Trakstar Hire screen, then click on "+ Add Candidate" to select "Add Single Candidate" from the dropdown:

This will take you to a page where you can upload the candidate's resume, from which we'll automatically parse the candidate details (name, email, and phone number):

Should you prefer to enter details manually, you can use the form below the uploader: Next, choose the opening and stage (both optional) you'd like to assign this candidate.

If you'd like to add more details to the candidate profile, you can click the "More Options" dropdown where you a label, source, or description to the candidate.

Next, click on " Create Candidate, " and you're done! The candidate's profile will now be created and visible in your account.

How do I manage these candidates?

The system automatically marks duplicates after uploading the candidates. If any candidates have the same email address, a red duplicate marker will display beside the candidate's name, indicating duplicates' potential. You can click on this red marker to see the potential duplicates.

Candidates who are unassigned to an opening will be assigned to the user in charge of the unassigned candidates. You can modify who this user is on your settings page under "User responsible for unassigned candidates."

Did you know that users below the Super Admin level can only add candidates to and see the candidates within openings you give them access to, along with any candidate they upload themselves? Learn more about user permissions here.

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