Excel Report: Candidates
The Excel reports within Hire allow you to pull comprehensive data to view and work with outside the system. This article will cover the details of the Candidates Reports within the Excel reports.
Pulling the Report
Click the Reports icon on the left bar of your Trakstar Hire screen.
You’ll see the Excel reporting options. Select the date range you'd like to view - either one of the built-in options or a custom date range.
Scroll down to Choose a report, and select which of the Candidates Reports you'd like to export.
The two Candidates Reports pull from the same data but with two different date options.
- Based on added date: This is pulled based on the application date of the candidate.
- Based on the last updated date: This is pulled based on the date the candidate was last edited in your account.
Note: The report should land in your inbox within ten minutes and go to the email address you use to log in to Hire. Be sure to check your spam/promotions folders! If you still don’t see it, give us a shout at hire@trakstar.com.
Data in the Candidates Report
What data is shown in this report? Let's break down each field and column in the Excel report.
Candidate Details and Opening Information
- Candidate Name: The candidate's first and last name.
- Candidate Email
- Source Type: The high-level source that the candidate is coming from, like ‘Job Board,’ ‘Hosted Site,’ etc.
- Source: A secondary source that the candidate came from, like ‘Indeed,’ ‘LinkedIn,’ etc.
- Referrer: If the candidate came from an external URL like facebook.com, you would see that here. “Not Available” means that there is no external source the candidate came from - they came directly from the source.
- Candidate Phone
- Archived?: If you archive a candidate’s profile, this field will say “Yes” If their profile is not archived, it will say “No."
- Opening ID: An internal, unique, system-generated ID specific to a job opening.
- Opening Public ID: A unique system-generated ID code specific to a job opening.
- Opening Name: The job opening the candidate is in.
- Opening Location: The location of the job opening the candidate is in.
- Opening Team: If your organization uses Teams to group your openings on the Hosted Sites or Jobs Widget, this field shows what Team that job belongs to.
Candidate Stage Activity& Employee Referral Details
- Candidate Assigned By: If a candidate has been actioned (moved to a stage, scheduled an interview, decisioned, etc.), then this column will reflect the user that assigned that action.
- Candidate Assigned To If the action in the ‘Candidate Assigned By’ column impacts a specific user, then the ‘Assigned To’ field would be that user.
- Example: Jen moves a candidate to Chelsea’s stage. The ‘Candidate Assigned To’ field would show Chelsea’s name. If it does not impact another user (like decisioning a candidate as rejected), then this field will be blank
- Candidate Created On: When the candidate entered the Trakstar Hire platform, either by applying or by being uploaded
- Candidate Assigned To Opening On: If the candidate were to be moved to a different opening (or was never assigned to an opening and then was placed into one), this column would reflect the date the candidate was assigned or changed. Otherwise, this column should typically mirror the "created on" date.
- Last Active Stage: The last stage that the candidate was active on.
- Last Active Stage Assign Date: The date that the candidate was assigned to that last active stage.
- Employee Referrer Name: If your team uses our Employee Referral feature, this is where the names of the employees who referred candidates will show.
- Employee Referral Email: Email address of the employee who referred candidates.
Application Form Questions, Questionnaire Responses, & Decisioning Details
Questionnaire responses: The responses to your follow-up questionnaires will display as Title: Question. In the first column in the example above, the Questionnaire is titled “Get to know you” and is separated from the question “What’s your favorite food?” by a colon.
Note: Video responses will show as a string of numbers and letters. In the example screenshot above, the question "Tell us your theory on Pizza!" is a video response.
- Flagged Field: If you use Flagged Fields to collect internal information about candidates on their profile, that data will be included in this column
- Application Form Questions:Your application form questions and answers will populate in the Candidate Excel Report
Current Candidate Status:In Process - the candidate has not been decisioned and is still active
Rejected - the candidate has been rejected
Hired - the candidate has been marked as hired
Withdrawn - the candidate has withdrawn their application
Declined Offer - the candidate has declined the offer
On Hold - your team has put the candidate on hold for a later date
Archived - your team has archived the candidate
- Decision Reason: The reason that a candidate was rejected or decisioned the way they were
- Reason Description: Your team can free-type more details about the rejection reason. If they do, those details will show here
- Candidate Decisioned On: The date the candidate was decisioned on
Frequently Asked Questions
If you aren’t finding your question or answer here, feel free to reach out to us at hire@trakstar.com, and we’d be happy to help!
Can I customize what this report pulls?
The system is hard-coded to pull all the data fields in this report. If there is a column in this report you don’t need, you can permanently delete it from the Excel file once you’ve downloaded it!
Can I only pull the data for specific openings or candidates?
This report was designed to pull the data for all openings within your selected date range. Once you’ve downloaded the Excel file, you can sort the report by openings and remove the ones you do not wish to see.
How do I sort or filter the data in the Excel file?
Once you download the Excel file, you can filter or sort the data in several ways that fit your needs. Here is how you can learn about filtering in Microsoft Excel.
Can I download this report in any other format?
The system automatically puts the report in Excel format, but you can upload it to Google Sheets if you’d like!
Can the system send reports to non-users?
When generating a report, the system will email the report to the user email address who generated the report. You can always forward the report to a non-user once you receive the report.
What if the report doesn’t come to my email?
Please check your spam folder, as the attachments mean this email can be marked as spam. If you still need help locating it, please contact us at hire@trakstar.com.